Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Beware of Bad "Backpack Posture!"

Backpacks are a leading cause of back and shoulder pain for millions of school children across the nation.  As students gear up for back to school this fall, Dr. Joel would like to offer parents ways to help children avoid backpack injuries.
Back pain in children, teens and young adults is not uncommon. If a child complains of neck, back or shoulder pain without a history of trauma, parents should consider that it might be because their backpack.

A recent study in Italy revealed that 60 percent of students who carried a backpack to school experienced back pain.

The Minnesota Chiropractic Association (MCA) along with the American Chiropractic Association (ACA) recommends that a backpack should not weigh more than 10 percent of a child's body weight. For example, 10 pounds maximum for a 100-pound child. This figure might vary, however, based on the child's body strength and fitness level.
  • Does the backpack have two wide, padded shoulder straps? Non-padded straps are not only uncomfortable, but can also place unnecessary pressure on the neck and shoulder muscles.
  • Does your child use both straps? Lugging a heavy backpack by one strap can cause a disproportionate shift of weight to one side, leading to neck and muscle spasms, low-back pain, and poor posture.
  • Are the shoulder straps adjustable? The shoulder straps should be adjustable so the backpack can be fitted to your child's body. The backpack should be evenly centered in the middle of your child's back.
  • Size is important. The backpack should never be wider or longer than your child's torso, and the pack should not hang more than 4 inches below the waistline. A backpack that hangs too low increases the weight on the shoulders, causing your child to lean forward when walking.
  • Does the backpack have a padded back? A padded back not only provides increased comfort, but also protects your child from being poked by sharp edges on school supplies (pencils, rulers, notebooks, etc.) inside the pack.
  •  Does the pack have several compartments? A backpack with individualized compartments helps position the contents most effectively. Make sure that pointy or bulky objects are packed away from the area that will rest on your child's back, and try to place the heaviest items closet to the body.

Some common safety tips to avoid backpack injuries include:

1.  Wear both shoulder straps evenly to properly distribute backpack weight.

2.  Get the correct size backpack for your child.

3.  The backpack should not extend below the lower back. Bigger is not better.

4.  Lighten the load and put the heaviest items in the backpack first keeping them the closest to the body.

5.  Lift the backpack with your legs and place it on one shoulder strap at a time.

6.  Do not leave backpacks on the floor to avoid someone tripping on them.

7.  Choose a quality backpack that has wide well-cushioned shoulder straps with a lumbar support/padding.

Over 40 million students carry a backpack to school each day. While carrying a backpack to school every morning may seem harmless, it can cause painful back and neck problems for students who don’t pack or carry their backpacks properly. It can also lead to long-term medical problems.  

Call us at 651-406-4454 for a free evaluation of your child's backpack posture!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Be a Better Athlete with Chiropractic!

Why have Lance Armstrong, Tiger Woods, Joe Montana, Jerry Rice and Emmit Smith all turned to chiropractic care? Because it has been shown to increase athletic performance as much as 16.7%. Chiropractic has also been shown to reduce your chance for injury. Athletes today are in the most competitive environment we have ever seen. Even school age children are finding competitive sports to be taxing on their bodies like never before, with expanded practice and game schedules. Chiropractic care plays a vital role in musculoskeletal performance, prevention of injury, and recovery from injury. That's why so many pro athletes are turning to chiropractic care.

·    Seven time Tour De France winner Lance Armstrong has been a long time advocate of chiropractic care. He has brought his personal chiropractor to every single Tour De France. After one of his victories, he said he could not have won without his chiropractor.
·    Four time Super Bowl champion and all time leading rusher, Emmit Smith, also attributes much of his success to chiropractic care. Being a running back during a 16 game season takes its wear and tear on the body. Emmit Smith attributes much of his long healthy career to chiropractic care.
·    A few years ago Scottie Pippen was playing in the NBA finals with the Chicago Bulls. Since the Bulls do not have a chiropractor on staff, he paid for his own. Care was administered to him at least once during the actual finals game.
·    Golfers and pro tennis athletes have long known the benefits of chiropractic. A recent study reported that up to 85 percent of injuries on the PGA Tour and Senior Tour relate to the spine. Between 70 to 75 percent of these golfers receive chiropractic care regularly.
·    The figures are similar for football, baseball, and other sports.  And growing!

There's good reason these athletes are turning to chiropractic care.
  A study published in the journal of Chiropractic Research and Clinical Investigation, revealed that chiropractic care can increase athletic performance by as much as 16.7% over two weeks.  Another study published in the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research in 1997 revealed that chiropractic care increases your capillary count, meaning increased blood flow.  The benefits of increased blood flow are substantial for any athlete.  What do they know that you don’t?  Chiropractic care offers exciting opportunities to be a better athlete and enjoy the sport you love!

Mendota Heights Chiropractor

West St. Paul Chiropractor

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Give TMJ an Adjustment

You use the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) hundreds of times every day, making it one of the most utilized structures in the human body. In fact, most people use the TMJ approximately every three minutes - every time they talk or swallow. But what is it?

The TMJ is the joint where the lower jaw joins the skull, immediately in front of the ear on each side of the head. In addition to its involvement in talking and swallowing, the TMJ also moves whenever you bite down hard on something. With this type of constant participation in common functions, it's no wonder TMJ pain can be so frustrating.

But there are potential solutions to the anguish of TMJ pain, and evidence suggests chiropractic may provide the best option. A recent study revealed that chiropractic treatment using a specific adjusting instrument eased patients' discomfort after only three visits a week for two weeks. Before treatment, patients reported TMJ-related symptoms lasting an average of eight years, but following chiropractic care, they experienced reduced pain and improvements in other symptoms, with no noted side-effects.

If you're suffering from TMJ pain, isn't it good to know there's something you can do about it? Make an appointment with a doctor of chiropractic today.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Cesarean section: Not necessarily necessary.

Sure there are high-risk pregnancies, need for emergency c-sections, premature births and other complicating factors that are very real considerations, but these are exceptions, not the rule. Unfortunately, the rate of c-sections is increasing(1)to almost 1 in every 3 births!

How can this be? If such a natural process, why so many medical procedures? Many blame the increase on a decrease in VBAC births (vaginal birth after cesarean). This makes sense since most physicians recommend c-sections for consecutive deliveries if the first was a c-section. But there are likely other factors as well. Epidurals, pain meds, stress response and yes, mere convenience may factor into this increase as well.

For example, some studies have supported an increase in cesarean deliveries when epidural analgesia has been used (2).

Generally speaking, I think the "medicalization" of childbirth has taken place largely due to two main factors...our litigious society, and seeking comfort. Physicians are scared of being sued, and women want to eliminate pain. I hate to break it to you...childbirth is painful! Trust me...I've never been happier to be a man than when watching my wife labor!

All that aside - when we take natural processes and turn them into risky medical procedures, why do we wonder why healthcare costs are so high?

Just some thoughts...

Dr. Joel


2.Effect of epidural analgesia for labor on the cesarean delivery rate
Morton, Sally C. et al. Obstetrics & Gynecology. June 1994:Volume 83 - Issue 6.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Childbirth - Not A Medical Procedure

This past weekend I had the privilege of assisting in the delivery of my son, Will Silas. He was nearly two weeks overdue and weighed in at a hefty 9lbs 9 oz on arrival...BIG boy!

Perhaps even more amazing, in this day and age, was the fact that my wife, Ann delivered naturally. No epidural, no drugs, no medical interventions. She is amazing!

You see, she knows that having a baby is as natural a process as can be (in fact, she delivered our daughter naturally 2 years ago too). It's a beautiful, natural thing women have been doing for thousands of years and in most cases should not be viewed as a medical procedure.

Is this for everyone? Maybe not...but I would argue that it could be. My wife was exercising up through the day she delivered, she had superb nutrition including high-quality prenatal vitamins, and she was adjusted regularly. And...she's mentally as tough as nails! All these variables are important when considering a natural birth.

We delivered through a clinic with the help of midwives. This was our second childbirth this way and we had a great experience. I know many people who have different delivery experiences they would not trade as well. The bottom-line question for us was, how do we eliminate as many potential risks and have as natural a birth process as possible. What is the healthiest and safest option, not just the most convenient?

Anyway, Will Silas was born happy and healthy. And, I get to be a proud Daddy again.

Dr. Joel

PS...more pics on the website.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Chiropractic Cuts Health Care Costs

This past Tuesday I met with three legislators from my home district as part of a lobbying effort by the Minnesota Chiropractic Association (MCA). We discussed the policies affecting our state and country and also the chiropractic profession.

As with all politicians, there are many agendas influencing their decisions. These politicians are struggling to balance a $1 billion deficit in our state budget. Many cuts need to be made. No one wants their piece of the pie to be cut (imagine that)!

On the national level healthcare reform is in the works. Everyone is talking about it. But what is true reform? Right now, the national bill aims to cover more people that currently are not insured. The talking points include reducing costs and healthcare expenditures.

So legislators are scrambling to tackle the issue of reform all the while trying to balance their respective budgets. It comes down to do we improve the level of our health care and cut costs?

Here's part of the answer...chiropractic! Increased access to chiropractic means decreased health care costs. It's called leading a chiropractic life naturally with limited medical interventions.

Chiropractic is a great treatment option for pain and other chronic conditions. Study after study show this. But it is also a powerful tool in prevention!

Your spine is your lifeline, what are you doing to maintain yours?